Welcome to Impact Christian Church!

Welcome to Impact Christian Church!

How We Began

Impact Christian Church, originally Franklin Christian Fellowship, was founded almost 20 years ago by a group of Christian leaders in the Johnson county who saw a need to form a church for people who were not attending a church elsewhere and they felt a specific calling to help people in need.

Our first service was held on January 3rd, 2003 in Benjamin’s coffee shop in Franklin.   Pastor Jeff Souders led the inaugural service and many of the

attendees of that first service still worship regularly at ICC.  Prior to leading ICC, Jeff had been a full-time youth and adult minister in the central

Indiana as well as in Phoenix Arizona.

Continued Growth

Over the next three years, we met at numerous buildings as we began to grow including the Duke Energy Auxiliary building and a Cabinet Shop, where we stayed for over three years.  By 2007, we were blessed to have grown to over 100 worshipers.    In 2007, we were gifted an acre of land and purchased an additional 3.5 and built a church facility in the Greater Franklin area (currently at 2800 North Graham Road).

From the onset, Impact Christian Church has been known as being a family and children focused church.  Children’s classes, youth group and other events aimed at Pre-K through High School were part of the original vision.

In 2005, we hosted our first “Camp Brookville” summer retreats for children in three different age groups.  Over the years, we’ve hosted over thirty camp weeks for children and teens as well as numerous adult retreats and getaways.

Over the years, we’ve focused on numerous outreach activities within the Franklin community.  Our “Hands and Feet” team has provided events ranging from renovating homes and living places for people in need to gifting appliances, clothing, and food to the needy.

Impact Christian Church was known especially for “Tuesday’s Miracle” that ran for eight years where we participated in giving out over $15MM in organic foods at the Johnson county Fairground.

In 2019, we built a facility next to the church called the Hub Outreach center which focuses as a facility for giving food, clothing and other living essentials to those in need.   It is currently the only evening hours food pantry in the Franklin area.

In addition to local outreach, we’ve done 11 international and three domestic mission trips to places such as Jamaica, Mexico, and Texas during the recent hurricanes and flooding.  We also partner with a children’s home in India to sponsor 38 children over the years.

Our Future

Covid-19 has been a trialing period for us a church as we initially did not meet in-person but held virtual services only and then later opened in a limited capacity.  Despite the blessing of being able to hold virtual service, we find great strength in being able to worship and love God together and we’re excited to offer in-person services for the 2021 year.

We’re excited to continue our Hub efforts in the community.  Our building is now debt free and we will be hosting a Camp Brookville 2021 this year as well.